This lovely Renee award was given to me by Ritu. The Renee Award was created by Bella ( and Ces ( who wanted to show appreciation of the impact their friend Renee made on their lives.
This award is meant, according to Bella, to be given to those that, like Renee, are like "the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns…".
In Celtic mythology, the oak was the tree of doors, a gateway between worlds. I love that I have had so many sweet people to help open the door to art and to guide me into the world of creativity!
So, I am passing this on to other artists that have inspired me with their art and their kindness in my growth as a papercrafting artist. I'm sending it on to Liisa, Rhynah, Kat and Mervi. (Should be 7, but this time only 4. Hope it is alright...)
4 kommenttia:
Kävin taas ihailemassa japanileimasimiasi - onko sinulla tietoa mistä ne on ostettu? Käyn aina katsomassa etteivät ihanuudet unohdu. Upeita ATC kortteja sinulla täällä ja aivan ihana tuo ylläoleva leimakuva.
Hyvää illanjatkoa:)
Terv Siperian Tanja
Voi kiitos, mun blogissa myös sulle tunnustusnallukka:)
Kiitos ♥
Vau, kiitoksia! :) Käyn tämän vielä illemmalla nappaamassa mukaani ja lisäämässä blogiini.
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